Hair fall is a common hair problem that plagues almost every human being. But did you know that hair fall in kids is increasingly becoming a common and persistent problem with most kids of today? It is a painful sight for most parents to see their baby losing hair, but the problem, unfortunately, is not so uncommon anymore. Hair loss in kids may not have extremely harmful effects on physical health, but it can take a huge emotional toll on the child.

What are the Causes of Hair Loss in Children?

As is the case today, hair loss is a problem that can strike anybody, of any age. Who would have thought that hair loss in infants could also be a concern for parents? But it is a big problem now.

Hair loss in children is primarily caused by one or more forms of infection in the scalp. Most cases, however, are harmless and can be cured even with home remedies for child hair loss.

Most Common Causes of Hair Fall in Kids

The causes of hair loss in children can be classified according to two broad factors:

  • Pattern of Alopecia
  • Scarring

Basis the pattern of alopecia in kids, the causes are further classified into:

  • Focal or patchy
  • Diffuse

Based on scarring, the causes are again of two types, namely:

  • Non-cicatricial
  • Cicatricial

Newborn hair loss may be caused by several underlying conditions and predisposing genetic factors such as:

  • Inflammatory disorders
  • Fungal infections
  • Autoimmune disorders like alopecia areata in children, or trichotillomania
  • Genetic diseases like ectodermal dysplasia, a clinical syndrome characterized by hair abnormality and symptoms

Alopecia in children is usually associated with hair shaft defects such as trichorrhexis invaginata or Netherton syndrome, monilethrix, or follicle damage. If you see baby hair loss on top of the head, it could be due to nutritional deficiency arising from a shortage of iron and zinc in the body, a highly prevalent condition, especially in underdeveloped countries.

To ensure a correct diagnosis for hair fall in kids, it is essential to adopt a practical approach. This ensures the adoption of timely and corrective measures to prevent future hair loss in children.

There are other non-medical reasons for hair loss in kids, like,

  • Use of chemicals, dye, bleach that can damage the hair shaft.
  • Excess heat from a blow-dryer.
  • Hair ties like ponytails or braids can also cause damage to hair follicles.

How Common is Hair Loss in Children or Babies?

Newborn hair loss is perfectly normal. In fact, almost all babies lose the hair that they were born with. This is a natural process that allows for the growth of new and healthier hair. Mature hair takes the place of newborn hair as babies grow.

Too much rubbing or friction with the mattress or bed may also lead to your baby losing hair. Again, there is nothing to worry about because this behaviour of excessive rubbing of the head against surfaces goes away as infants grow up.

According to scientific studies conducted by the Oregon Health and Science University, hair loss in infants happens during the first six months of birth and peaks at about 3 months. In most cases, hair fall in kids at such an early age happens simultaneously with hair regrowth. The process is so overlapping that you may not even notice your baby losing hair.

Nonetheless, it is always a good idea to look out for some common symptoms of hair fall in kids:

  • Loose strands of baby hair every time you stroke through it.
  • Hair left on the comb or towel after shampooing.
  • Strands of hair on every surface the baby comes in contact with.

Children or Baby Hair Care Tips

According to experts, baby hair loss on top of the head during the first six months of life is usually replaced by new hair in the next six to twelve months. So, it is a natural process. In fact, paediatricians and dermatologists strongly recommend against any medication to prevent hair loss in infants. Having said that, if you have the slightest suspicion about a fungal infection or alopecia in kids, it is a good idea to consult a doctor and get help.

Here are some useful home remedies for child hair loss:

  • Massage with coconut or olive oil that is mild on the scalp.
  • Use ground paste of soaked fenugreek seeds to apply on the scalp.
  • Onion juice is another useful home remedy to prevent hair fall.
  • Aloe vera extract from the plant can be diluted and applied to the scalp to reduce itchiness.
  • You may even apply beetroot juice with a small amount of henna.

Counselling Your Children About Hair Loss

Hair fall in kids may not be as traumatizing as other physical ailments, but it can take a heavy toll on the mental well-being of your kid. As a parent, it is a huge responsibility to counsel your child and help him through this difficult phase. You may adopt these simple approaches to support your child:

  • Explain the reason for hair loss to your child.
  • Assure them that if it is owing to a health condition like alopecia areata in children, then the hair will grow back eventually.
  • In case the condition is irreversible, you can encourage your child to wear a new hairstyle or wrap a nice scarf around the head.
  • If the situation escalates, you can also seek the expertise of a child psychologist to help you both through the difficulty.

Take Proactive Action

Hair fall in kids is as common a problem as it is in adults. There is nothing to be afraid of, as this is only a temporary condition that takes care of itself with time. In extreme cases, like with a disease or genetic condition; however, it is advisable to consult your paediatrician or dermatologist and demand a diagnosis, keeping in mind your child’s safety.

Experts like Revive offer one-stop solutions for all your hair problems and that of your child. You can book a consultation with one of the many qualified dermatologists and seek expert advice.

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